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"You are not a garbage disposal"

Stop eating off your kids plate.

The sooner you ditch the mentality that you should eat less, do tons of cardio and lift light versus fueling your body, lifting heavy and getting stronger, the faster you are going to create the body you want!

The way our lives have evolved over the last 50 years we are busier than ever, more scheduled than ever and less connected to being present in the moment. This is reflected in our day to day lives as well as at mealtime. This lack of attention has created an epidemic of overeating.

How many meals yesterday did you eat seated at a table without a device?

No phone, no tv, no ipad, no computer?

What about the day before?

The problem with being distracted with a device is that you are distracted!!

Research shows that when you get distracted by eating – as in watching TV or using your phone – you eat more than when you are focused on your food.

From the research, it appears that when you turn you attention away from the food to something as gripping as an electronic device, the brain, during that distraction, forgets that you are eating. When you come back to the food, we look at it as if it has changed. The food appears as is it is somethng new. And this, in turn, affects your ability to defend AGAINST OVER EATING.

In our fast-paced lives, we find ourselves multitasking during meals, eating on the go, or distracted by screens. As a result, we may not pay enough attention to our body's signals of fullness during eating, leading to overeating and potential health issues.

By being more mindful, you can cultivate healthier eating habits and improve our overall well-being:

  1. Pay Attention to the Pause: When you eat, your body naturally experiences brief pauses in chewing or swallowing. These breaks are our body's way of signaling that it's had enough. Unfortunately, we often override this instinct and continue eating without giving it a second thought.

  2. SLOW DOWN! It is not a race. Eating too quickly can make it challenging for our brain to register the signals of fullness. Slow down your eating pace to give your body ample time to communicate when it's satisfied. Put your fork down between bites.

  3. You do NOT have to clean your plate anymore! Many of us have been taught not to waste food, which can lead to mindlessly finishing everything on our plates. Instead, pay attention to your body's cues and stop eating when you feel satisfied, even if there's food left.

  4. Check in with the sensations in your stomach: Feelings of fullness often manifest as physical sensations in the stomach, such as a slight tightness or a sense of contentment. Tune in to these bodily signals to recognize when you've had enough to eat.

  5. Put down the phone! Eating while watching TV, scrolling through social media, or working can divert our attention from the act of eating itself. This distraction can make it difficult to notice feelings of fullness.

  6. Manage the Mindless Snacking: Mindless snacking throughout the day can lead to a disconnection from hunger and fullness cues. Be mindful of when and why you reach for snacks to avoid eating out of habit rather than genuine hunger.

  7. Drink more Water: Dehydration can sometimes be mistaken for hunger. Before reaching for a snack, try drinking a glass of water and wait a few minutes to see if the feeling of hunger persists.

  8. Listen to INTERNAL vs. EXTERNAL CUES: We often rely on external cues, such as the clock or social eating norms, to determine when and how much to eat. Instead, listen to your body's internal cues to guide your eating patterns.

  9. Find another outlet for emotional eating: Emotional eating can lead to overeating, as we use food to cope with stress, boredom, or other emotions. Be mindful of your emotional state when eating and find alternative ways to address your feelings.

  10. Listen to your Satiety Hormones: Our bodies produce hormones, such as leptin, to regulate appetite and signal fullness. Chronic overeating can lead to reduced sensitivity to these hormones, making it harder to recognize when we are genuinely full.

The same way that our body sends hunger cues when it needs food, we can observe signs of being comfortably full, too.

Some common signs of fullness include:

  • Tight belly

  • Pressure and/or discomfort in your stomach

  • Beginning to feel sluggish

  • No longer enjoying the food

  • The signs of hunger have diminished

Learning to feel your fullness takes practice, patience, and intention. There is no failing, and sometimes you are going to eat past fullness or while you’re distracted watching TV. That’s okay. This is about learning to connect with your body’s signals, not about being perfect.


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